Wednesday 29 February 2012

I wish I could do this:

It's custom chalk lettering by Dana Tanamachi. Go to her web site and watch one of the time-lapse videos. I promise you will be impressed.
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Tuesday 28 February 2012

What I Like to See

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Saturday 25 February 2012

My Favourite Spot

The Duke has my favourite fire at the moment. And, I like to sit as close to it as possible.
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Friday 24 February 2012

Evensong at the Cathedral

We went to Evensong at the Canterbury Cathedral last night. It's not the first time I have been. Though, I'm not sure it could ever get old.

First, (incredibly) it's free. Second, every inch of the Cathedral is exquisitely crafted--it's difficult to absorb such a visually stimulating atmosphere.

Then, they start singing. I wish I had words to describe how beautiful it is. All I can say is, "Go." Everyone should experience Evensong at least once; and I should go far more often than I do.
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Monday 20 February 2012


The first hints of spring have begun to appear: there are more birds singing; fields are getting freshly plowed; and temperatures are slightly warmer. It feels wonderful.
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Saturday 18 February 2012

Odd as this may sound...

...we went to the mall! Shopping malls are few and far between over here. So, my first trip to Bluewater was a momentous occasion. I almost felt like I was in America (aside from a distinct lack of Jen and our traditional Sbx). Familiar names included Nine West, Nike, Urban Outfitters, and Krispy Kreme. That's right. The UK has discovered "Hot Now". Amazing.

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Thursday 16 February 2012

The Garrington Farm Loop

I call it the Garrington Farm "Loop". It's perfect for a walk or a run (not that I'm doing the running) because it: begins where it ends; is about 2 miles long; is half paved road, half unpaved footpath; and has great scenery (e.g. cows). Indy and I love it.
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Sunday 12 February 2012

A Beautiful Drive

Yesterday, we drove through the Elham Valley (pronounced "eel-am"). The snow-covered miles of hills and farms on both sides of the road caused the sun to glint off of every surface. It was stunning.
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Saturday 11 February 2012

Design Flaw

Can anyone guess what it might be? Based on the current temperature, I'm sure you Cape Codders will know immediately...

What's more, we had no idea that this is the point in the plumbing system where the water exits the main house to travel to our carriage house apartment. Well, that is until the inevitable happened. And then, all we could do was laugh at the absurdity of the situation and the fact that it hadn't happened before. Oh, England. You funny little place.

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Thursday 9 February 2012

Indy's Wishlist

From See Scout Sleep. They're attractive, comfortable, and made in Louisiana. Plus, 10% of their proceeds go to the Gulf Coast Fund.

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Sunday 5 February 2012

Before and after: This time, it stuck.

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