Friday 29 March 2013

Daffodils & Freshly Cut Grass

Daffodils by the Canterbury city walls

freshly cut grass at the rec; smells so sweet

This time of year, bright flowers are a welcome sight. And the grass smells so sweet—like summer. Now, if the weather would just get ten to fifteen degrees warmer, we'd be golden.
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Monday 18 March 2013

More Signs of Spring

This first picture was taken in our garden two weeks ago; the second, last week. Spring weather can be so unpredictable. But, it is getting warmer and the bulbs are loving it. 

Come to think of it, so am I.

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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Beer Garden Weather

Beer gardens are one of my favourite British things. When it's warm—or even warm-ish—out, pubs open their gardens for drinking, eating, and just generally hanging out in the sun.

Yesterday was the first beer garden-worthy day of the year, and we were fortunate to be able to take full advantage. We walked to the Duke and had their sunny garden to ourselves for a couple of hours. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Beer gardens are such a great place to take advantage of beautiful weather. I highly recommend visiting one whenever possible.

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Tuesday 5 March 2013

A Long Weekend In London

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

Portobello Road

London Natural History Museum

London Natural History Museum

Gluten Free Cupcakes at Hummingbird Bakery

We spent last weekend in London, exploring new places and eating delicious food.

The most noteworthy place we went was Portobello Road ("street where the riches of ages are sold..."). I loved it. There was more to look at than time to look. And the vendors were selling everything you can think of from vintage items to brand new, fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, art, and all sorts of cooked food. It was such a great place for a perusing and leisurely stroll.

Other highlights included: the Natural History Museum (always free), the Hummingbird Bakery for gluten free cupcakes, and Bella Italia (three times) for gluten free pizza.

It was such a lovely weekend away.

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