Monday 22 October 2012

It's Kale Season

Kale is back in season again. Finally. And lots of fresh kale means lots of kale soup. My favourite.

Have I mentioned? I love this time of year.

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Sunday 14 October 2012

Pancakes, people.

The best gluten-free pancake recipe.

I woke up yesterday morning with a serious craving for pancakes. I can't even remember the last time I had them (mostly because I have yet to find a gluten free pancake mix that tastes even remotely like "real" pancakes). So, I decided to make them from scratch.

Now, this sparked an interesting conversation:
Me: I'm going to make pancakes. But, we don't have much maple syrup left.
Husband: That's ok. I like mine with sugar and lemon on top.
Me: What?
Husband: Wait. What do you mean by pancakes?
Me: know...pancakes?
Husband: Look up British pancakes.

This is what British pancakes look like. They're basically crêpes. I did not make those. I made American pancakes.

And what came next were the best gluten free pancakes I have ever had.

I used the ingredients from this Martha Stewart recipe, but substituted this gluten free self-raising flour mix.

They were ridiculous.

Seriously. Forego any gf mixes you may be tempted to try and make these from now on. That's what I'm going to do.

PS: Important ordering tip: in England, the word "flapjack" does not mean pancake. A British flapjack is basically a granola bar.

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Friday 12 October 2012

Fall Colors

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Thursday 11 October 2012

Spoonbread (+ Black Bean Soup)

Sweet Corn Spoonbread

Black Bean & Sweet Potato Soup

I have been dying to make spoonbread—a cross between corn bread and a soufflé—ever since I noticed a reference to it in a book I was reading. It sounded delicious.

And, our new chilly weather was the perfect excuse.

I used the spoonbread recipe from Smitten Kitchen, and paired it with this black bean & sweet potato soup recipe.

The verdict? Make this, immediately.

It is so so good, and totally worth the effort. It's the perfect dish to gather around. And you can't stop yourself from going back for just one more scoop.


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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Burnham Market, Norfolk

We just got back from a week in Burnham Market. And, it's safe to say we'll be visiting there again. It had everything we were looking for in a holiday: extremely good (and gluten free friendly) food, quiet, cozy, and near the sea.

We stayed at the Hoste Arms, and spent our days eating, relaxing, exploring the local area, and hiking through the dunes by the sea.

It was beautiful, peaceful, and remarkably Cape Cod-esque; a perfect holiday.

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