Sunday 14 October 2012

Pancakes, people.

The best gluten-free pancake recipe.

I woke up yesterday morning with a serious craving for pancakes. I can't even remember the last time I had them (mostly because I have yet to find a gluten free pancake mix that tastes even remotely like "real" pancakes). So, I decided to make them from scratch.

Now, this sparked an interesting conversation:
Me: I'm going to make pancakes. But, we don't have much maple syrup left.
Husband: That's ok. I like mine with sugar and lemon on top.
Me: What?
Husband: Wait. What do you mean by pancakes?
Me: know...pancakes?
Husband: Look up British pancakes.

This is what British pancakes look like. They're basically crêpes. I did not make those. I made American pancakes.

And what came next were the best gluten free pancakes I have ever had.

I used the ingredients from this Martha Stewart recipe, but substituted this gluten free self-raising flour mix.

They were ridiculous.

Seriously. Forego any gf mixes you may be tempted to try and make these from now on. That's what I'm going to do.

PS: Important ordering tip: in England, the word "flapjack" does not mean pancake. A British flapjack is basically a granola bar.

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