Monday 9 June 2014

Before and After: The Nursery

We finished remodelling our little cottage a while ago. But, I have realised it takes a while to truly finish. It's little things like hanging curtains, shelves, and art that take forever. And I wanted to have all of those little things done before I posted the "Before & After" shots.

So, in honour of hanging the final shelf last weekend, I give you...the nursery.

I put a lot of thought into what James' room would look like. I wanted it to be seaside inspired, masculine, not overly baby-ish, bright and very cosy. I was inspired by Jon Contino's "Born Free" print, this nursery, and loved the way the large pelican print looked in this nursery. I already had the anthropologie plates, the brackets, and one of the prints. And I used Pinterest to be sure what everything would look like before making final purchases.

I love the way this room came together. It's exactly the space I wanted for our little one.

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