Wednesday 28 December 2011

Boxing Day Hunt

Now, if you're thinking "Tod and Copper", don't worry. They don't actually hunt foxes. Fox hunting is illegal in the UK. Instead, the dogs are trained to "drag hunt" an artificial scent...

On Boxing Day morning, everyone gathered in the center of town to await the start of the annual hunt. As one would expect, we were knee-deep in mulled wine and tweed. Classic.

Over the next couple of hours the hunters arrived on horseback (wearing their traditional red jackets) and the dogs were brought down and kept inside a large pen. Finally, when all was ready, the horn was blown, the dogs were released, and they all went charging off down the high street after the "fox". 

Left in sudden silence, the rest of us finished our mulled wine and headed home for Boxing Day lunch. 
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Friday 23 December 2011

Mince Pies & Jen's Cookies

Today I made mincemeat pies for the first time. They are a Christmas tradition, here in the UK.

The name "mincemeat" is confusing, because it sounds like meat would be the main ingredient. Originally (as in 13th century), it was. But these days mincemeat, or "mince", is simply a mixture of fruit, spices, and shortening.

I just spooned some store-bought mince (I wasn't brave enough to make my own), into little pie crusts, and baked them up. My whole kitchen smelled like Christmas.

I also made my favourite cookie recipe. I got it from my friend Jen, who got it from here. They're supposed to be called Chocolate Decadence Cookies. But, I call them Jen's Cookies because she discovered the recipe. Whatever you call them, they're delicious. And best of all, they're gluten-free.
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Hand-lettered Favourites

I love the look of hand-lettering. The appeal is in the rough texture and vintage inconsistencies. These are my favourites by Jon ContinoCape HornAnchors Aweigh, and Born Free.
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Monday 19 December 2011

Carols at The Rose

There is nothing cozier than a country pub at Christmas time. They always have pretty decorations (John, note the hops), open fires, good food, and good company. Everyone brings their kids, and the dogs add to the comfortable atmosphere.

Yesterday evening, there were carols and a live nativity outside The Rose Inn. After we were sufficiently frozen, we escaped the cold and found a seat directly in front of the fire.
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Thursday 15 December 2011

Sweet & Sticky Ribs

I made ribs for dinner last night. I saw the recipe on one of Nigella's Christmas shows. It's ridiculously easy: 1) Marinate the ribs in two parts sweet chili sauce, one part cranberry sauce, one part sweet black soy sauce (I couldn't find a gluten free version of this, so I used plain gf soy sauce), the juice of one clementine, and the juice of one lime; 2) Bake them on 200°C/390°F for 30-35 minutes; and 3) Get messy.

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Wednesday 14 December 2011

Best Made Company Favourites

Clockwise from top left: Be Optimistic Felt Badge, Famous Red Wool Blanket, Seamless & Steadfast Enamel Steel Cups, and The Wonderful Jacket Badge.
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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Birthday Flowers!

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Christmas in Bridge

Every year, they put these cute mini Christmas trees in all of the second floor windows along the high street in Bridge. I'm not sure where the tradition came from. I've never seen anything like it. But, all the tiny trees have lights, and they look so beautiful at night.
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Monday 12 December 2011

Etsy Favourites

These are from Gritty City Goods: the Smoking Dog tea towel (left), and the Ladybird Quilt (right). I also love the Complete Disgrace tea towel...

Cute designs and great packaging. Love it.
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Sunday 11 December 2011

I love this little sign:

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Beef Bourguignon

Today I made Beef Bourguignon in the crock pot. Beef, onions, garlic, carrots, wine, tomato paste, and spices, on low for four-ish hours. It's the third time I've made it, and if I can just make it like this from now on... 

It's the perfect kind of meal for a cold day. And it's so easy to make. Yum.
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Thursday 8 December 2011

Cottage Cheese Muffins

Today I made cottage cheese muffins. The idea of putting cottage cheese in muffins may sound a bit strange, but trust me. They're fantastic. 

I got the recipe from 101 Cookbooks, and it's incredibly easy to throw together. Even better? It's incredibly easy to make it gluten free. I have only tried the sun-dried tomato version, but I'm sure any other variations would be just as good. 

Important tip: They're very moist. If you don't eat them immediately, keep them in the refrigerator. Otherwise, you'll be throwing them away. 

These muffins have a very un-muffin-like texture. They're not heavy. And they're delicious. I recommend making (and eating) them as soon as possible.

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White Christmas lights...

...are my favourite. These are outside the little shop around the corner from our house. A bit of cheer at the end of Indy's walk last night. So nice.
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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Pendleton Favourites

The Pendleton Grandpa Cardigan and Carry Along Outdoor Blanket. Looking at them makes me want to curl up in front of a nice fire after a chilly picnic.
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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Definitely December

Wow. It got much colder this week. About ten degrees. However, this means I get to wear my new favourite hat (from Violet's). Technically, it's a knitted headband. But whatever you call it, it's perfect because I don't have to take my hair down to wear it.

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Monday 5 December 2011

Anthropologie Favourites

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Sunday 4 December 2011

A Christmas Shopping Break

The Canterbury Cathedral is always beautiful at night. So, when we got a bit overwhelmed with the crowds of shoppers and tourists, we slipped through the Cathedral gate for five minutes of peace...

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Friday 2 December 2011

The Perfect Color

After a few failed attempts and a switch to a different florist, my bouquet ended up being exactly the color I was hoping for... the flowers were simply gorgeous. And the vase (our first wedding present)? Stunning.

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It was beautiful...

The wedding went perfectly. Each element was special, from the vows we made, to the guests, flowers, and locations. It was an absoultely beautiful day. I'm so thankful.

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Monday 7 November 2011

It's all going on:

The wedding is next week. It will be simple and lovely... I can't wait. 

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Sunday 17 July 2011

A big move...

I've moved to the English countryside from a very urban American city. Fresh air, fresh produce, farms, footpaths, pubs, fireplaces...


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