Friday 23 December 2011

Mince Pies & Jen's Cookies

Today I made mincemeat pies for the first time. They are a Christmas tradition, here in the UK.

The name "mincemeat" is confusing, because it sounds like meat would be the main ingredient. Originally (as in 13th century), it was. But these days mincemeat, or "mince", is simply a mixture of fruit, spices, and shortening.

I just spooned some store-bought mince (I wasn't brave enough to make my own), into little pie crusts, and baked them up. My whole kitchen smelled like Christmas.

I also made my favourite cookie recipe. I got it from my friend Jen, who got it from here. They're supposed to be called Chocolate Decadence Cookies. But, I call them Jen's Cookies because she discovered the recipe. Whatever you call them, they're delicious. And best of all, they're gluten-free.
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