Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Rape (Seed)

This time of year, fields full of rape (also known as canola) begin to flower across the UK; wreaking allergy havoc and turning the countryside French's Mustard yellow. Eventually, the flowers will fall and seed pods will form. In the fall, the farmers will harvest the pods for their seeds and oil.

Right now though, I'm just enjoying the color. The rape is everywhere. And it's gorgeous.
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Sunday 22 April 2012

Hummus & Cucumber Sandwiches

When I was young, Grannie and I used to make hummus & cucumber sandwiches for lunch in the summer. We would blend up a can of chick peas, a spoonful of tahini, and a pinch of garlic, with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, and some olive oil. Then we'd grab a fresh cucumber from Grandad's garden and put it all together with some good bread. 

Very fresh and so easy. It's perfect sunny day food.
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Saturday 21 April 2012

The Veg Box

New in the veg box this week: cucumber, red potatoes, and a big bag of freshly picked baby spinach. I can tell you right now, the cucumber and spinach won't last long.
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Friday 6 April 2012

Little Lamb, Little Lamb

Spring means lambing season in the UK. Which means baby lambs, everywhere. So, today we went to Broadlees Farm, in Dover. During the Easter break, they hold "Lambing Open Days" when you can go in and see, and even touch the baby lambs. Some of them are only hours old. And they are so so soft.

It was an incredible experience. Good Friday, indeed.
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The Veg Box

New in the veg box this week: fresh eggs, radishes, pointed cabbage, and cauliflower. Plus, the usual Picasso potatoes, leeks, spring onions, red and white onions, carrots, tomatoes, and braeburn apples. 

I can't believe the beautiful color on those radishes. I might just eat them plain! 

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Thursday 5 April 2012

Hello Chicken

This little lady is a Farmyard Fitness fixture. She is one of four chickens that are usually out following us around during workouts. However, as they have decided to dig up all of Farmer Gordon's fresh plantings, they've been confined to quarters.

They're friendly little guys, too. They walk right up and look at you as if to say, "Hello." 

Makes me laugh, every time.
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Salmon & Mash

Salmon is so delicious and so easy to make, I make it all the time. Which means I need to vary the recipe to avoid food boredom. For dinner last night, I marinated it in lemon, honey, salt, and a bit of melted butter before broiling it.

And, since I had some potatoes left over from my veg box, I served it with mashed potatoes. Now, as a Southern girl, no mash of mine would be complete without mixing in all sorts of other things. So, I did roasted garlic, Parmesan, and chives.

I'll admit, I do prefer salmon with the quinoa I usually make, as quinoa is a bit lighter. But, it tasted great, and my mash-loving husband appreciated the variation.
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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Pretty In Pink

The cherry trees in my neighborhood have just exploded — practically overnight — with the most perfect pink blossoms. Just the sight of them makes me smile. Spring is really here.
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Monday 2 April 2012

The Cows Are Back

As it's spring, the cows that were conspicuously absent on my walks all winter (they are kept inside), have reappeared. What's even more exciting is that they've got their babies with them. They're adorable; covered in fuzz, and playing together, just like children. 

However, the fact that they're not little, they're shockingly fast runners, and they're out there with their very protective mothers, emphasizes that these adorable fuzzy babies still need to be given a wide berth. 
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