Saturday 15 December 2012

Tea & Crumpets

When we found these gluten free crumpets at the grocery store, we decided it was time for a thorough introduction.

Crumpets are interesting. The tops make them look sort of like English muffins. But they're not dry and bread-y, they're moist and doughy—they definitely need toasting.

Now (apparently), there are two important aspects to crumpet preparation. The first is toasting time. Some people prefer theirs warm but doughy throughout. Others prefer them crispy on the outside and soft in the middle. And after careful testing, I can definitely say I'm of the crispy school of thought.

The second key to crumpets is topping quantity. In the words of my wonderful husband, you must "properly slather" them in butter and jam. Don't be shy.

Yes, crumpets are not a low calorie diet food. And yes, they are absolutely amazing.

Go on. Try some. You'll love them.

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Wednesday 12 December 2012

Chestnut Soup & Toast Points

The past few days have been the coldest so far this year. Not surprisingly, the freezing temperatures put me in the mood for something warm and cozy.

So, I made Jamie Oliver's recipe for chestnut soup and toast points. I had never had chestnut soup before. It was very easy to make, and very very good. The soup had a light, creamy, earthy flavor, which went perfectly with the crispy bread.

Just the thing for a cold night in front of the fire.

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Friday 7 December 2012

Chim, Chimney...

Our lovely little cottage came complete with three Victorian fireplaces—two upstairs, one down. They are beautiful, but needed a bit of love.

The two upstairs were easy. We don't plan to use them, so we gave them a coat of black gloss paint. But, we needed to find a fire-friendly way to bring the one downstairs back to life.

After some research, it turns out the old way is still the best way: this past weekend, we re-blacked and polished our fireplace with black grate polish, like proper scullery maids. Now, I'm not saying I'd want to do it every day, but it was actually really fun.

It's amazing what a little black polish will do. Though, getting it out from under your nails is an entirely different story!

PS: Sorry there aren't any 'before' shots. We got too excited!

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Wednesday 5 December 2012

First snow of the season!

I love snow, especially this time of year. And, this was an unexpected, happy surprise. It was really coming down...

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Sunday 2 December 2012

Orange Blossom Cupcakes from Roost

Orange Blossom Cupcakes from Roost Blog

One of my favourite blogs at the moment is Roost; her photos are beautiful and her recipes look amazing. The bonus? It's all gluten free. So, after months of admiring her work, I thought it might be time to actually try one of her recipes.

Yesterday, I made Orange Blossom Cupcakes with Cashew Cream. And, though my cream didn't come out as creamy looking as hers did, the final result was spectacular; moist, tart, and delicious—perfect for these darker days.

Gluten free or not, make these. You won't be disappointed.

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