Saturday 15 December 2012

Tea & Crumpets

When we found these gluten free crumpets at the grocery store, we decided it was time for a thorough introduction.

Crumpets are interesting. The tops make them look sort of like English muffins. But they're not dry and bread-y, they're moist and doughy—they definitely need toasting.

Now (apparently), there are two important aspects to crumpet preparation. The first is toasting time. Some people prefer theirs warm but doughy throughout. Others prefer them crispy on the outside and soft in the middle. And after careful testing, I can definitely say I'm of the crispy school of thought.

The second key to crumpets is topping quantity. In the words of my wonderful husband, you must "properly slather" them in butter and jam. Don't be shy.

Yes, crumpets are not a low calorie diet food. And yes, they are absolutely amazing.

Go on. Try some. You'll love them.

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