Sunday 26 August 2012

Discovery Apples

Kentish discovery apples

I love apple season. It reminds me of cooling weather, changing leaves, cozy clothes, and comfort foods. Basically, fall.

Here in the UK, apple season begins with the arrival of the discovery. They are early-season apples with an extremely short shelf-life—only about a week. More importantly though, they taste amazing.

The flavor is extremely unique; sort of sweet and tart, with a little something extra. The best word I can think of to describe it is "floral". Though, the experts describe it as "a hint of strawberry".

I had never heard of discovery apples before this week, and had I not been given one (thank you, Mary), I likely would have missed the season entirely.

Try one if you get the chance. I plan to eat as many as I can while they're still here.
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  1. Mmm! I can't wait for our fall apple season. Last year, I discovered honeycrisp apples.

    1. Ooh! Honeycrisp are delicious... Actually, what I would really love right now is a Pumpkin Spice Latte. It's too bad they can't be shipped!
