Wednesday 8 August 2012

Stuffed Gem Squash

gluten free stuffed baked gem squash

gluten free stuffed baked gem squash

I discovered gem squash at the shop last week. I had never cooked them before, but had heard they were great for stuffing—they were.

I mixed 1) a cup of cooked basmati rice; 2) a cup of finely grated extra sharp cheddar; 3) 1/2 a small red onion, chopped; 4) 3 or 4 tablespoons of canned black beans; 5) a hot red chili pepper, chopped; 6) 1 or 2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro; 7) 1 or 2 tablespoons of lime juice; and 8) a bit of sea salt & chili powder, to taste.

Meanwhile, I preheated the oven to 375°F/190°C. Then, I washed the squash, cut the tops off, hollowed them out, and rubbed them inside and out with olive oil and sea salt.

Next, I stuffed the squash with the mixture, placed them on a baking sheet, topped them with more finely grated extra sharp cheddar, and baked them for 20 minutes (until the flesh was soft when poked with a fork).

When they were done, I topped them with plain yogurt and chopped cilantro. The combination of squash + stuffing was delicious, spicy and incredibly flavorful.

If you see gem squash, buy them. You won't be sorry.

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