Wednesday 21 March 2012

The Goal Post

For some reason, the other day, I felt an overwhelming urge to make tabouli. But, not just any tabouli. Tabouli like I remembered having at The Goal Post Sandwich Shop.

Now. Because I'm gluten free, I couldn't make it exactly the same (obviously). But, I knew that using quinoa instead of whatever grain normally goes in tabouli wouldn't make much difference. The key ingredient is actually the parsley; Goal Post tabouli always tasted more like parsley than anything else.

Once I had a fair approximation of the tabouli, I decided to take the experiment a step further. Enter the Veggie Rider. One of my favorite sandwiches of all time: a pita pocket lined with cheese and mayo, crammed full of tabouli, then toasted to perfection.

The bad news: the gluten free pita pockets didn't have the requisite flexibility to handle the job. The good news: the sandwich / pile of sandwich ingredients tasted amazing.
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