Tuesday 13 March 2012

Simple: Salad & Salmon

Last night, I made one of our favourite salmon recipes. Favourite because it tastes amazing and because it only takes about ten minutes to make:

1) Mix a tablespoon of melted butter + three tablespoons of gluten free soy sauce + one tablespoon of brown sugar + a couple splashes of water; 2) Rinse your salmon, then put it in the mixture to marinate; 3) Pop it under the broiler, skin side up; 4) Baste occasionally; 5) Flip it when the skin gets crispy and it's about 3/4 cooked; 6) Watch carefully and pull it when it's just barely not raw in the middle.

I paired ours with a simple salad and some quinoa. And, I would have taken a picture of the finished product, but we devoured it within minutes of putting it on a plate.
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