Saturday 12 May 2012


The conversation went like this:
Husband: Do you have any avocados?
Shop Keeper: For when?

I had heard of this practice, but had never witnessed it. Apparently, a true produce man — one who knows what he is doing — will always ask when your fruit or veg will be consumed and will know exactly which of his items is right for you.

We said, "Tonight." He came back with two gorgeous avocados and warned, "These are perfect. You must be very careful with them." Then, he put them in a paper bag and told my husband that only I was allowed to carry them because they were so delicate.

I have never seen such perfectly ripe avocados; the seeds basically fell out. And, yes. I made them into guacamole. Though, I was tempted to just eat them with a spoon.
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  1. Do you have pictures of the guac?!

    1. I forgot to take a picture — I was too busy eating it!
