Friday 20 July 2012

Public Rights of Way

Public Footpath Sign

sheep in the shade

footpath through a field

kissing gate on the left

pretty pond

Jack Foat's Trust kissing gate

apples in the orchard

stile into a horse paddock

happy pigs near the Black Pig Pub, Staple

narrow path through a wheat field

muddy country lane

Public rights of way over private land are everywhere in England. These tracks, trails, and footpaths are legally protected "highways"—from back when walking was the only way to get around—and everyone has the right to walk on them at any time. (Natural England

Personally, I find the legal aspects of this fascinating. Not only is it not trespassing, you have a right to be there. Amazing.

It's a great way to explore the English countryside, walking from town to town. And, I feel fortunate to have this degree of access. Side note: beware the animals—cattle have been known to chase, and farmers are allowed to shoot dogs that are "worrying" their livestock. Yikes.

Indy and I love walking the footpaths. We just discovered this loop along part of the Miner's Way Trail. Five miles long and three hours outdoors. Fantastic.

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