Monday 9 July 2012

The Raspberry

fresh British raspberries

I admit it: I'm a raspberry snob. Though, it's not entirely my fault. Growing up, raspberries were a Cape Cod summer novelty that we ate directly from the bush. And, I mean that literally. We would stand next to Grannie and Grandad's raspberry bushes for ages, eating them as fast as we could pick them. 

So, you may understand why I was never interested in the small, old (relatively speaking), refrigerated, grocery store version.

Until now.

I have officially discovered British raspberries. Look at these things. They're HUGE! They're from the shop. And, they're the real deal. They taste amazing. I keep thinking I'm going to make something with them. But, I just end up eating them.

I love raspberries. They taste like summer.

PS: It has to be said: "There's only one man who would DARE give me the raspberry..."

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