Tuesday 31 July 2012

Holy Hardwoods

hardwood floors under old carpets

hardwood floors under old carpets

hardwood floors under old carpets & vintage fireplace

under that retro blue carpet, hardwood steps

We decided (now that the tenants are out) to renovate and move into the little terraced cottage my husband bought back in his bachelor days. It needs a lot of work, but it's got great vintage bones: fireplaces in every room, huge windows, brick, and...

You think it will never happen to you. And, then it does: you reach down and proceed to rip out the manky wall-to-wall carpet that's so old the underlay is literally disintegrating (so so gross) only to reveal ORIGINAL HARDWOOD FLOORING. What?!

Now. It's not in the best shape, it may not be salvageable, and we may have to carpet over it. But, I couldn't be more excited. This place is going to look amazing.

PS: Fun house fact/rumor #1) Our rear garden used to line up with the back of our house. But, during the war, the military commandeered the neighbor's garden (the one at the end of the building) to use as a shooting range. Then, all of the gardens behind our building were shifted over by one and reassigned. Thus, the neighbor's garden lines up with the back of our house, our garden lines up with the next neighbor's house, and so on.

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  1. I'm no expert, but I think you should be able to buff and polish the floors near fireplace.

    When my Grandma moved out of her house after 40+ years, I tore up a piece of her carpet. Original hardwoods. But, Grandma always loved her teal-ish shag carpet from the 60s.
